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Big Bear Engine Company
Young & Sons Inc.
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Customer Testimonials

'Thanks, I appreciate your site very much. I just sold another engine here this week. I am glad to know there are people working to improve the site whenever possible. I am very happy to be of some service in that regard.'

Aaron Lewin, Thorp, USA

'We're getting calls almost every day as a result of our listings in'

Steve Spencer, Midwest Diesel Inc, Michigan, USA

'I had hundreds of "hits" on your website which generated 5 or 6 inquiries from all over the world; Germany, The Philippines, Korea, Sweden, and Spain. I sold all 3 of my engines to a buyer from South Korea. Your website was invaluable to me in selling these engines; no other ads that I ran produced any inquiries.'

Gary Sommerfeld, Manager, Marine Operations, Phillips Cruises & Tours, Anchorage, Alaska


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