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Adelman's Truck Parts Corp.
Adelman's Truck Parts Corp.
Luoyang Diron Parts Trading Co.,Ltd
Young & Sons Inc.
Big Bear Engine Company
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Customer Testimonials

' is a very good resource. I use it to search for engines I need and have also advertised a Volvo Penta engine and received some genuine inquiries. Our local market is small and helps me to reach a worldwide market.'

Dimitris Constantinou, Limassol, Cyprus

'We've sold 7 engines in 4 months through - one to Utah, three to South Dakota, one to New York, one to Kansas and one locally in Wisconsin! I also advertise in other publications but gets the best results and at a great price too! I like the way that my engines are shown at the top of Google searches and will definitely be playing a major part in my advertising from now on.'

Aaron Lewin, Wisconsin, USA

'Sold one of my Detroit engines via and it was to a local guy!'

Wil Tiefenbacher, United Lock-Block , British Columbia, Canada


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